Health & Fitness

Tamodex for Modern Day Bodybuilders Using Steroids


Tamodex is not a steroid but a non steroidal item and bodybuilders are familiar with it since they need this medicine as much as they steroids. It is primarily taken after finishing a steroid cycle but there is more to it for instance many people take it to slow the development of breast cancer and gynecomastia. A vital medicine still used by both male and female athletes and non athletes. Anyway, using it for the first time can be extremely difficult so check out this piece of content and as we have provided all the necessary information you need to run a safe course.

What you may not know about Tamodex

It is one of the most well regarded non steroidal items that you can find in the offline and online markets. Recognized as ancillary drug, it has different but know mostly used by athletes and bodybuilders. Bodybuilders take Tamodex during a steroid cycle and during the PCT. This particular SERUM will be valuable to you if you suspect steroid side effects. Unlike other ancillary drugs, ERM works differently and give users a different experience. Not long ago, it was used as a medicine to treat infertility in women and their other medical conditions. Whereas male used to increase their sperm count and natural testosterone production but to this day it has remained the same. Even “WHO” has marked this as an essential medicine that will help mankind?

How Tamodex helps bodybuilders

It has loads of benefits for men especially for bodybuilders and they should use Tamoxifen Citrate for sale after finishing their steroid cycles. It will help users to prevent unwanted side effects of steroids in the following ways:

Prevent gynecomastia

Even though we have mentioned this before but most people take Tamodex is to get rid of gynecomastia or man boobs. Gyno is the result of extreme build up of estrogen when DHT transforms to estrogen. Steroid use is sole reason why estrogen levels are not balanced in steroid user’s body. Extreme levels of estrogen also cause water retention which are not easy to prevent not without this medication for sure. As an Anti Estrogen Receptor Modulator it prevents formation and builds up of estrogen by blocking the estrogen receptors. Users will not lose estrogen entirely but it will prevent gynecomastia entirely.

Endogenous testosterone secretion

It is a valuable medicine for PCT because of its potential to accelerate recovery of testosterone as well as GH. The secretion of GH and natural testosterone stops in the presence of steroids so even after completing a steroid cycle the natural hormones do not come back. Shut down of natural hormone can cause different health issues primarily testicular atrophy and hypogonadism. Luckily, this medication by Sciroxx can alleviate such issues in a matter of weeks. Users will experience their natural testosterone production has bounced back and make them feel whole again without causing any problems.

Ideal doses of Tamodex you need to follow

For PCT the standard dosage should be higher or depending on the condition. You have to maintain the same dosage for 50-75% of the PCT cycle. The highest dosage of Tamodex is sits between 40-50 mg daily but for women the dosage can be around 10-40mg. Generally, users can take it for 2-3 weeks without any breaks but if you are running 10mg per day then extend the cycle to three weeks.

Lisa Marie
My name is Lisa Marie. I'm a health professional and love to write about health and fitness. My motivation is that I also love to learn new things.

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